0. Introduction

Until you’ve build a couple of things using something like Ember.js, there’s a lot to grasp when learning Ember.js. Especially if you want to go all the way, sync your app with a backend and so on. With this four-part guide it’s my hope that you’ll roughly learn how to build an old-school tagwall using Ember.js and Firebase. One of those grey chat boxes where people would spam all kinds of messages to you. It’s time for a revival. We’ll learn how to save data with Firebase and it’ll show why the realtime NoSQL database of Firebase is great.

First we’ll set everything up and see how we can configure some common parts of Ember. The second part will show how to actually create the tagwall as an Ember component. Part three will sync the tagwall, use ember-data and Emberfire to sync our application with an online Firebase database. In part four we’ll learn about links and routes by extending our tagwall, making it reusable, and transforming our project into an entire platform of tagwalls with shouting humans!

You can see the non-styled version of what we’ll be building on tagwall.surge.sh.

As you’ll hopefully see, the combination of Ember and Firebase is both powerful and very extendable. Some experience developing websites with JavaScript is preferred but I’ll attempt to make sure you can make it through — even as a first-timer. Should you at any point get stuck or frustrated, please mail me and allow me to improve the guide.
