Typefaces for programming
You care about readability. You should also care about readability when you’re coding. Here’s a list of monospaced typefaces, some of them especially drawn for development.
- Triplicate
- Source Code Pro
- Fira mono
- Consolas
- Inconsolate
- Menlo
- m++1
- Anonymous pro
- Andale mono
- Maison mono
- Founders Grotesk Mono Light
- pt mono
- Monaco, “DejaVu Sans Mono”, “Lucida Console”, monospace
- Dejavu Sans Mono
- Consolas
- Incolsolata
- Menlo
- Mensch
- Pragmata Pro
- Eco coding
- http://www.webtype.com/font/alix-fb-regular/
- http://www.atlasfonts.com/typefaces/heimat-mono/
- http://input.fontbureau.com/
- http://quoteunquoteapps.com/courierprime/
- https://github.com/nathco/Office-Code-Pro
- https://github.com/andreberg/Meslo-font
- http://www.atlasfonts.com/typefaces/heimat-mono/